Privacy Policy

Sigitaspak srl with its registered office: via Eugenio Montale 2, 25087 Salo’ BS
VAT Id. N° 03209010986 (hereafter, “Sigitaspak”), as holder of the treatment, informs according to art. 13 Leg. 30.6.2003 n. 196 (hereafter, “Privacy Code”) and to art. 13 EU Regulation
n. 2016/679 (hereafter, “GDPR”) that your personal data will be treated as follows and for the following purposes:
1. Subject of the treatment
Sigitaspak treats your personal data (for instance, name, family name, business name, address, telephone, e-mail, bank and payment references – hereafter “personal data” or “data”) you gave when contacting us to receive information or quotations or to undersign orders or other services/products offered by the holder.
2. Purpose of the treatment
Your data are processed without your explicit consent (art. 24 lett. a), b), c) Privacy Code and art. 6 lett. b), and) GDPR), for the following purposes of service:
- to send informationa, advertisment and offers,
- submit newsletter,
- fulfill pre-contractual, contractual and fiscal obligations deriving from the professional relationship established with you,
-fulfill the obligations established by law, by a regulation, by community legislation or by an order of the Authority (such as for anti-money laundering);
-exercise the rights of the Holder, for example the right to defense in the court.
3. Processing methods
Your data are processed according to the operations indicated on art. 4 Privacy Code and art. 4 n. 2) GDPR in
particular: collection, recording, organization, retention, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction,
confrontation, use, interconnection, block, communication, cancellation and distruction of data. Your personal data are
treated on paper, electronic and/or automated support. The Holder will treat your data for a period of time necessary to
fulfill the abovementioned purposes and in any case not over 10 years from the termination of the relationship.
4. Access to data
Your data might be accessible for the purposes mentioned on art. 2.A) and 2.B):
-to employees and collaborators of the Holder, as its appointees and/or internal managers of the treatment and/or
system administrators;
-to third parties (for instance, sales agents, installers, credit institutes, professional studies, etc) carrying outsourced
activities on behalf of the Holder, as its external mangers of the treatment
5. Communication of data
Without your explicit consent (ex art. 24 lett. a), b), d) Privacy Code and art. 6 lett. b) and c) GDPR), the Holder can
communicate your data for the purposes mentioned on art. 2.A) to Supervisory Bodies, Judicial authorities and all other
subjects to which the communication is mandatory by Law to fulfill the abovementioned purposes. Your data will not be forwarded for other purposes without your explicit consent.
6. Safety
Data are stored and controlled through suitable preventive safety measures, to minimize the risk of loss and destruction, unauthorized access, unauthorized treatment and other than for indicated purposes.
7. Transfer of data
The management and retention of personal data will be performed at the Holder’s plant, on external cloud, in any case inside the European Union.
8. Rights of the interested party
As the interested party, you have the rights mentioned on art. 15 GDPR and in particular the rights to: i. get the confirmation about the possible existence of your personal data, even if not registered and their communication in intelligible form; ii. get the indication: a) of the origin of personal data; b) of the purposes and modes of the treatment; c) of the logic used
in case the treatment is performed by electronic instruments; d) of the Holder's and the responsibles' identification data;
e) of the subjects; iii. get: a) the update, correction or integration of the data; b) the cancellation, transformation into anonym form or the
block of the data treated against the Law, included those of which retention is not necessary for the purposes they were
collected or successively treated; c) the confirmation that the operations mentioned on letters a) and b) were
transferred, also for what concerns their content, to those to whom the data were communicated or spread; iv. refuse, partly or totally for legitimate reasons, the processing of personal data, even if pertinent to the purpose of the
collection. When applicable, you also have the rights at artt. 16-21 GDPR (Rights of rectification, oblivion, limitation of the treatment, portability of data, opposition), as well as the right to complain with the Competing Authority.
9. How to exercise rights
You can at any moment exercise your right sending: 1. e-mail to: 
2. or by registered mail to: Sigitaspak Srl, Lago di Vico 40 - 36015 Schio (VI) 
10. Holder, responsible and appointee
Holder of the treatment is Sigitaspak srl.
Updated list of responsible and appointees for the treatment is guarded at the Holder's plant.